Low temperature in winter is easy to cause excessive cooling of diesel engine during operation, so thermal insulation is a necessary measure to extend the life of diesel generator in winter. In the northern region, diesel generators used in winter should be equipped with cold protection equipment such as thermal insulation sleeves and curtains.
1. After 50 hours of running-in, the engine oil, oil filter, diesel filter and air filter shall be replaced
The room environment depends.
2. Change the engine oil, oil filter, diesel filter and air filter every 250-300 hours of operation after 50 hours.
3. When the operation time does not meet the replacement standard, it is recommended to replace the oil once every 12-18 months. Oil standard: 15WCD
4. Check the engine oil level once a week, replenish it in time when the oil is insufficient, and observe the oil scale before starting each time.
5. Check the antifreeze level once a week, add distilled water if it is insufficient, and do not add other water or antifreeze, if there is leakage or need to be replaced
When changing, add antifreeze of the same brand and model. The antifreeze level must be checked before starting every time. It is recommended to replace it every two years.
6. Check the diesel oil level in the daily oil tank every week, and check whether there is leakage between the pipeline from the oil tank to the unit.
7. Check the state of the charger every day. The battery should be kept in the floating charge state uninterruptedly (the average charge should not exceed 8 hours)
The battery cannot be charged for two days. It is necessary to disconnect the connection between the battery and the diesel engine. Otherwise, the battery will be damaged. If the battery is not charged for more than two weeks after the connection is disconnected, it will also cause irreparable damage to the battery.
8. Keep the battery clean and the vent unblocked, ensure that the battery terminals are firmly connected, and check the battery liquid level every week to keep the liquid level
Between the highest and lowest, add distilled water when it is insufficient, and do not add other water and acid.
9. When replacing or maintaining the battery, the battery fuse (F4) in the control box must be removed and the charger must be turned off, otherwise it is easy to damage the machine
Group controller motherboard. The battery belongs to explosive dangerous goods. Its maintenance personnel must wear eyeglasses, gloves and insulating tools.
10. Check whether the control wiring of the unit is loose or falling off once every six months, and tighten it again.
11. If the heater is practical, it is recommended to replace the rubber hose every two years to prevent it from aging and bursting.
12. There should be no sundries around the fan of the cooling water tank to avoid being involved in the fan. The operator should not wear a tie.
13. It is recommended to operate the unit with no load once a week and with load once a week.
14. If other equipment is added in the machine room, the maintenance space, air intake, exhaust and heat dissipation of the unit must be kept normal.
15. Please read the unit use and maintenance manual carefully. Operation and maintenance must be carried out by trained professionals.